Sunday, July 30, 2017

3 Quick Ways to Identify A Damaged Vape Tank

Regardless, if you just bought your first electronic cigarette (non-disposable) or have been vaping for years, everyone experiences the occasional leaky or gurgling vape tank. In this article, we will discuss 3 quick ways to identify a damaged vape tank and what you can do to try and fix the problem.

The first problem that many vapers encounter after buying a new tank is leaking. The tank can leak from the bottom or the top but they are both easy to fix. If the tank is leaking from the bottom, first try adjusting your air flow holes to the lowest setting when you aren't using the tank. This will prevent juice from leaking out of the tank's air flow holes. If the tank continues to leak after the airflow has been restricted, this indicates that the rubber O-rings on the inside of the tank have been installed incorrectly or are damaged. To change the O-rings, remove the Pyrex glass from your tank and locate the rubber seals on the top and bottom base of the tank, these are the O-rings. Check to make sure they are properly installed and do not have any rips or tears in them. If they are damaged, they must be replaced to stop the leaking. If your tank is leaking from the top, make sure that you have been storing it in an upright position.

The second problem that seems to happen quite frequently is spitting. "Spitting" is when hot vape juice is shot through the chimney and into the mouth of the user. It can be quite unpleasant and sometimes painful. If your tank is spitting, the juice is being wicked faster than it can be vaporized. What this means is that the wick inside of the coil is soaking up juice faster than the coil is vaporizing it and hot juice is being sucked up the chimney through the mouthpiece. Typically, this problem can be fixed by increasing the wattage on your device. If the wattage on your device can't be adjusted then it is recommended that you use a thicker juice to eliminate spitting.

Have you ever heard a gurgling noise coming from inside of your tank? Have no fear as this problem is quite normal and is easily fixed. If your tank is gurgling, it means that you've added too much e-liquid and flooded the atomizer! Don't worry though, this can quickly be fixed by taking the atomizer off, wrapping a towel around the opening, and giving it a few firm shakes. If done correctly, the excess juice will come out of the atomizer and be absorbed by the towel. You can then reassemble your tank and continue vaping.

Hopefully, with this information, you are now able to recognize a broken or damaged vape tank and troubleshoot the problems. Whether the problem is spitting, gurgling, or leaking, all vapes do require a small amount of upkeep to keep them in a good working condition. The enjoyment that you will receive from the hobby of vaping is well worth the small amount of time that you put into maintaining your vaping device.

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